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The Rule - Mary's Way of Discipleship

Our Rule aims to help each individual member live their vowed life in the moment to moment events of their daily life. It is divided into ten “ways”. Each “way” has three points. These points are drawn from the scripture texts named as the title for each “way”. Each “way” calls us to live as followers of Jesus by imitating the example of discipleship lived by Mary of Nazareth.


This Rule is divided into ten “ways” with each “way” having three points.

The Way of the Annunciation

  • Each day make everything you do, think, or say, a prayer to God so that you can be attentive to God’s breaking into your day.

  • Say often: “I am your servant, O Lord. Let it be done to me as you say.”

  • Practice the virtue of humility so you can walk each day with God.


The Way of the Visitation

  • Go in loving service to the lowly, the hungry, and those who cannot see the holiness of God.

  • Greet the needy and the lowly with the joy in your soul so that the Holy Spirit may also fill them and uphold them.

  • Practice the virtue of justice and find joy in God your savior.


The Way of the Nativity

virgin and child.webp

Virgin and Child Icon by Fr. John Giuliani

  • Each day journey to wherever and whomever God leads you.

  • Practice the virtue of tenderness so you can give to others the love of the Word Made Flesh.

  • Give to Jesus all that is in your heart: its gold; its frankincense; its myrrh; and its sorrows.


The Way of the Presentation

  • Each day present yourself before God by praying the prayers of your community so as to sanctify your day.

  • Cherish the Eucharist and attend it weekly so you can be fed by the One who is the light of all nations.

  • Pray the Rosary at least three times a week so as to find the Word of God within you.


The Way of the Finding in the Temple

  • Reflect and ponder often on the Good News of the Gospels.

  • Sit with others in your community to study, question, and reflect, so you might grow in wisdom and grace.

  • Treasure in your heart the words the teachers and leaders in your community speak to you so as to encounter the Wisdom of God.


The Way of Cana

  • Be watchful for the needs of others even when life is festive.

  • With Mary present to Jesus the needs of others.

  • Follow Mary’s instructions and do whatever Jesus tells you.


The Way of Calvary

  • Walk with those who suffer and be present to them.

  • Behold those Jesus entrusts to you and care for them.

  • When others hurt you, speak in your heart the words of Jesus: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”


The Way of the Resurrection

  • Let the words of Jesus: “Peace be with you,” ring in your heart. Each day wish yourself that peace.

  • In the silence of your heart wish to those you see the Peace of Jesus.

  • Invite Jesus to walk by your side each day to open your heart.


The Way of Pentecost

  • Pray often for the flaming fire of the Holy Spirit to fill you and use you.

  • Pray in community for the Holy Spirit to guide you.

  • Proclaim God’s loving care for the foreigners in your midst.


The Way of the Desert

  • Practice the vow of contemplation so you can look at God who delights in looking at you and caring for you.

  • Each day go to a desert like place to be alone in loving stillness with God.

  • At the end of each day let God refresh you and thank God for the people and events of your day.

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